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Enduring Farms Award Winners

Putting sustainability into practice

Endure Logo for Sustainability

Farmers at the forefront of nutrient management assess cropping practices and operational processes to minimize impact on the environment while improving farm profitability.

Farmers know that their operations and the world’s natural resources can all thrive within the same living ecosystem.  FS Member Companies, along with their cooperative supplier GROWMARK, named the 2024 Enduring Farm and Enduring Farm Plus Award Winners who adopted best management practices that optimize nutrient utilization and lead to long-term soil and water quality while enhancing their ROI.

FS companies nominated farmer-customers who use certain sustainable best management practices on their farms.  Growers that earned a combined score of 180 points or greater for nutrient management activities are designated as Enduring Farms.  Growers who implemented additional agronomic and environmental management practices that earned at least an additional 90 points are designated Enduring Farm Plus.     

The Evergreen FS customers listed below were recognized for implementing nutrient management practices during the 2024 growing season, as well as for their commitment to preserving and improving their land and natural resources for future generations.  

Congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners Serviced by Evergreen FS:

Enduring Farm Designation:

Albert Farms - Oakley

Bennett Farms - Argenta

Ferrill Farms - Maroa

Hyde Farms - Oreana

Padrutt Farms - Forsyth

Pool Farms - Clinton

Stacey Farms - Illiopolis

Voorhees Farms - Forsyth

Wentworth Farms - Dahinda 

Enduring Farm Plus Designation:

Brown and Brown - Decatur

Dunn Farms - Decatur

Lay Farms - Bloomington

Nathan Wentworth - Warrensburg

Living. Lasting. Enduring.

Farm enterprises that employed the following sustainable practices were recognized for their commitment to protecting and preserving their land and natural resources through sustainable nutrient management.  View the 2024 Endure Report.


  • Utilize 4R practices for all nutrient application                                               
  • Soil Sampling, minimum every four years                                                       
  • MiField Applied Research Nutrient Management Studies                              
  • Utilize the Field Print Calculator   


  • VRT Lime, P and K applications or utilize a 590 nutrient management plan in Wisconsin
  • No applications on frozen or snow covered ground                                        
  • Utilize cover crops for phosphorus management                                              
  • Utilize buffer strips for phosphorus management 


  • Utilize MRTN for a base N rate 
  • Apply fall nitrogen when soil temps are below 50 degrees at the 4 inch level 
  • Two or more nitrogen applications 
  • Nitrification and/or Urease inhibitor use 
  • Utilize soil sampling to monitor nitrogen levels  
  • Utilize cover crops if harvest soil sample nitrate levels are above 10 ppm 

Contact your Evergreen FS Crop Specialist

Your FS Crop Specialist is here to help you with your nutrient management plans. 

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